Just a random share with you....
So I am traveling this week, within CA which is always nice. I'm staying in Hollywood. I'm on Beverly Blvd and Orlando, which is pretty much smack darn in the middle of all the hubbub. I'm actually right around the corner from Sushi Roku, and the Beverly Center...so for all you People or Us readers, you'll now of this spot. I'm also about 1/4 mile from The Ivy, and tomorrow, I'll be having dinner on Sunset Strip. I drove by the Beverly Hills hotel earlier today, love that hotel; but didn't get a chance to stop in and take in the charm. On a previous trip down here, I was blessed enough to enjoy the veranda while smoking a stogie and drinking a glass of port. Life is good. I've ran into my fair share of movie stars, it's always fun seeing them in their "regular" lives. All in all, it is fun, for a few days. I love visiting this place for work because I can get a taste of how crazy and different LA is while thanking God that I don't have to live in this rat race. The scary thing is that I pretty much know how to get around down here, without my GPS... I guess that means I've spent enough time down here. It's so funny though because when I do ask for directions, the locals have no idea where or what I am asking about...crazy.
I forgot to bring my running shoes, so I've only had a chance for a good calorie-burn fitness workout. I'm working out this week in a little gym on Beverly Blvd...it's hot as an oven, but it allows for a killer workout. Time is limited this week so I'm trying to fit in two workouts per session.
Workout #1:
Four sets of 15 each for incline, flat and decline flys.
Four sets of 15 tricep pull and pushdowns
Four sets of 15 hanging leg/knee lifts, feet all the way up to vertical...ouch! Knee lifts the last 1.5 sets...stomach couldn't hang
Four sets of 15 side planks, raise and lower.
Workout #2:
4 sets of 15 repetition cycles each of front(15), lateral(15) and rear(15) deltoid raises, immediatly followed by 8-10 standing military presses
Workout #1:
4 sets of 8-10 wide grip neutral wrist position pull-ups
4 sets of 8 pull-ups hanging from rope
4 sets of 10 lateral pulldowns with rope
3 sets of 10 standing bicep curls
3 sets of 10 standing hammer curls
2 sets of 10 each leg, bench high step-ups w/ 45lbs each hand...freakin' burner!
A ton of sweat and absolute anaerobic interval attained! I'm sleeping GREAT tonight. Can't wait to run though!!!