Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I powered thru a 10.03 hilly run this morning. It was hot! I think that is why my calves felt it in the first 1.5 miles and I was praying that it wasn't a sign to come. I thankfully was able to get up two nice size hills (250 ft climb and about a 200 ft climb) before I went through the roller coaster. It's a stretch of the run that is almost two miles where it is up and down the entire stretch.

Basically from mile 2 to mile 6, you climb almost 400 ft in elevation. The biggest jump is miles 5 - 6 where the last 257 ft of climbing occurs. The good and bad part is that you see that last climb in its entirety when you are about 1/4 mile from it. Even with the calves not feeling so responsive, I was able to make my way up due to nice rythmic arm swings and leg turnover. I was thanking God!

After that, it is four miles of mostly downhill, albeit, slow downhills to the finish. There are some nice rollers near mile 10 just for the fun of it!

All in all, I felt pretty good considering I haven't had a double digit run in a few months now. It was a little slower than I wanted, but considering the heat, the amount of climbing and the lack of calf response, I am pretty happy!

10.03 miles
1 hr 22 minutes time
8.10 pace
7.34 mph (all stats include my stops for the water fountain)
1361 calories burned!

Heres the map:


209Mike said...

Holy crap. Sub 3:00 marathon time? That's impressive. Time to get that soul patch moving. Maybe I should set my own goal of qualifying for Boston (3:10). Maybe I should see if I survive this weekend first. Keep us posted on the training.

GB said...

Love the race photo in your profile! You lookin' fast, bro!